Our Community and Visitor Engagement Officer, Alex, recently spoke with Leigh from Cambridge 105 Radio about the Museum’s latest exhibition. Listen to the full interview here. You can find out more about Alex’s work here. Place and Spaces is open
Capturing Cambridge: The History of Fen Skating
Trustee Roger explores the history of skating on the fens, touching on historical races and the big personalities of this disappearing sport.
The Bombing of Vicarage Terrace
There is little now to suggest that this narrow road in the heart of the parish of St Matthews, was, on the morning of 19th of June 1940, nine months after the start of the war, the site of the
Capturing Cambridge: Regent Street
Find out about some of the auspicious figures associated with Cambridge’s Regent Street in this latest addition to the Capturing Cambridge blog series.
Capturing Cambridge: Great Beginnings
As the Museum opens up again, Roger Lilley tells us about the ‘opening’ of some of Cambridge’s most iconic historical businesses.
Capturing Cambridge: Queens Trinity Lanes
Roger Lilley tracks some of Cambridge’s lost streets and buildings (as seen in the novels of Susanna Gregory), and gives us clues about where we can look for their remenants today.
Capturing Cambridge: The Love and Life of Josiah Chater
Roger Lilley tells us about the life of Draper Josiah Chater of 21 Hartington Grove.
Capturing Cambridge: Gipsy Smith
Find out about the fascinating life of Rodney ‘Gipsy’ Smith, international Evangelist and MBE, who lived on Hinton Avenue in Cambridge.
Capturing Cambridge: Emmanuel Road
Roger Lilley discusses what we know about the people who lived on Emmanuel Road in 1851, and the sad truths about those incarcerated in the jail there.