Legacies have always been a vital source of support for the Museum. As funding becomes harder to come by for museums, legacies are increasingly important as a source of long-term funding.
Your legacy will support the work of the Museum, helping us care for our collections, put on new and exciting exhibitions, and work with local school and community groups.
Leaving money to the Museum of Cambridge could also reduce the inheritance tax bill your family might face. There are a number of different ways you can give a gift in your will. Our legacies leaflet provides more information, though you may wish to discuss your intentions with your solicitor too.
Making a Will is of course an intensely personal matter and we understand if you do not wish to inform the Museum in your lifetime. We are, however, particularly grateful if you choose to inform us, as we can then plan our long-term financial position accordingly. Another benefit of this is of course that we are able to express our gratitude in your lifetime.
Your legacy, whatever its size, will be invaluable in helping the Museum of Cambridge live on.
For more information, contact annie.davis@museumofcambridge.org.uk