From as far back as we have evidence, people have played sports with their friends, families and even enemies and we have artefacts in the museum that show us how the sports we play today have been played for hundreds of years.
Are you part of a team, do you still have photos taken today? Have a close look at the photos and try and guess what sport these teams might be playing and when the photo was taken (click on the pictures to reveal the answer).
In our collection, we have lots of artefacts and objects showing us what people were playing and what sports have stood the test of time. Click on the artefacts below to learn more about the history of the sports you might play today.
It’s really important to play sports because it keeps you fit and healthy and it is a lot of fun!
Why don’t you play our fitness alphabet, you could do the letter that your name begins with or you could even use it to spell your name, your favourite colour/food/game/sport.

Do you like to play sports?
What is your favourite?
Draw a picture of you and your friends or family playing your favourite sport.